Sunday, 23 February 2014

Big Pop Balloons Launch

Big Pop Balloons has officially been launched today February 23 2014.

This blog is about the evolution of a book with the same title. The book is about a blogger who sends balloons out on the net and this blog is dedicated to these balloons.

A genius is one recognized as such by the people of his time or later. What about the ones society fails to notice? A cocoon enshrouds a butterfly into a state of paralysis. What if it is not meant to fly?

We start with nothing. Nothing at all. An empty page, an empty canvas, an empty stage. Little by little we start filling it up with our hopes and dreams. When we stop to dream we start to think and when we stop to think we start to dream. I would rather not think for what if at life’s halfway path I find that I am still at the end of nothing, with not much more than with what I started? Nothing. So allow me to fill this stage with my dreams. Let there be light. A little picture perhaps. That’s a little better. Let there be people to fill my little world. A little applause perhaps. Let there be words to fill my imagination. Let there be music.

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